Meeting Minutes 2007
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Meeting Minutes January 16, 2007

Came to order at 6:40 pm.

Attendance: Joan Wright, Beth Coffey-Curle, Victoria Myer, Vicki Cliff, Cindy Hoonhout Absent: Mary Anne Christiansen & MicheleTing

Election of Board of Directors:

Meeting Time:
The SNC BOD will meet the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM unless otherwise determined by the BOD. The location will be discussed prior to each meeting.

The February meeting will be out of order: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2007 at 6:30 PM; place to be announced.

Spring Education Clinic:
Victoria will collect resumes and costs from Shelly Edwards and Anael Sawyer for a Bio-Mechanic Clinic to be held in the spring.

Junior/Young Rider Membership:
Vicki will host a meeting inviting the Jr/Young rider members and their parents for an open discussion of what type of activity junior/YR members would like to do in coordination with the SNC club.

2007 Shows:
We need a show manager for the April and July shows. Joan Wright may be able to be the manager for one of the shows. We have all of the officials hired for our 2007 shows, all of the insurance, and all of the licenses accept the USDF license which is in the works. Beth will audit the ribbons and awards prior to the April show. We will create budgets for the 2 types of shows for the managers to work off of. This past 2006 season was an expensive show year in spite of strong entries. The travel expenses and accommodation fees were very, very high. This year, we may be able to reduce the accommodation costs through the use of private homes.

Treasurer Report:
The year-end balance for the treasury is $1931.37. This includes $600 storage fee for 2007, $150 AA 2007 clinic fee, and the 2005 Award Dinner, all non-2006 actual expenses. The treasury lost $1,444 in 2006 mostly due to the very expensive accommodation and travel expenses for our show officials.

CDS Annual Meeting:
Victoria is going as the club representative. Vicki and Trish Hickstead are attending as well. Victoria has the club basket which has a wine bottle, horsey wine glass identifiers, a horsey wine bottle cover, and 2 watches.

Adult Amateur Clinic:
Lesley Grove is our club representative; Holly McGee is the alternate.


Junior/YR Meeting Minutes February 4, 2007

Attendees: Rachel Gazes, Ciara Viola, Jackie Dunt, Vicki Cliff, Cindy Hoonhout, Sue Dunt, Karla Viola, Roxanne and Lou Gazes.

Topics of Discussion:

NEXT MEETING - MARCH 30, 2007 5:30 pm (it's a Friday Night) Educational component - Dressage through the Levels

Junior Fundraising
Potential Fundraising activities

Junior Educational Activities - what to do with the funds earned

Seat and Position
From the Judges perspective

Junior members proposed raising funds to support a clinic to be held mid to late summer - before Junior Championships - Clinic topics discussed included Seat and Position/Lunge Clinic to focus on Junior riding mechanics. And/Or a clinic with a Judge in a "show" type setting where the Judge provides critique and suggestions during or immediately after the ride. Explaining what the judge is looking for from the test, and how to maximize performance.

Meetings - Junior members discussed meeting bi-monthly - meetings will incorporate an educational component with local trainers and experts - potential topics include

Feb 17-18 Clinic Sabine Schut-Kery at Avalon Friesians

Junior's will be selling coffee/doughnuts and lunch for the clinic participants/auditors. THIS IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY for Juniors to earn funds to support YOUR clinic/educational activities. WE NEED MORE VOLUNTEERS - Currently, Troy Christensen, Rachel Gazes, and Jackie Dunt have volunteered to help.

Meeting Minutes February 21, 2007

Meeting called to order 6:40PM

Attendees: Mary Ann Christensen, Holly McGee, Victoria Myer, Cindy Hoonnhout

Victoria gave a brief recap of the CDS annual meeting

There were several significant topics at the annual meeting and it was agreed that the discussion should be tabled until next meeting when a greater number of board members would be in attendance. Victoria will summarize her notes from the annual meeting and continue the discussion at the next board meeting.

Committee Reports:

Volunteers - UNR team will continue to serve as staff at shows. The April show they will do for FREE as a community service event. It was discussed that perhaps the chapter would make a donation during the UNR equestrian team's annual fundraising dinner/event as like consideration for their donating their time to our April show.

April show is set for volunteers except for the scribes. Mary Ann is contacting possible scribes to firm up.

Awards - a ribbon inventory will be conducted to determine if there are sufficient ribbons for the April show. Cindy will check with Karla Viola to determine whether Kleening Connection will continue it's sponsorship of the Junior Ribbon awards.

DITS - all judges contracts have been returned except Creeky Rouston but Mary Ann has a verbal confirmation for Creeky. Shari Lamb (TD) had increased her fees from $175 to $200 per day. Since there is limited time to find another TD, it was agreed that the rate increase would be approved.

2008 judges - Mary Ann to book Lilo Fore now to secure her as one of the judges for the 2008 DITS. Mary Ann will discuss possible clinic possibilities with Lilo as well.

Education - Shelly Edwards bio-mechanics clinic - format includes an AM lecture with muscle systems of horse and rider and PM ridden session with 8 participants.

Anael Sawyer - another biomechanics possibility. Is willing to allow Juniors to participate for free.

Victoria mentioned another possible group willing to serve as show staff. Horses for the Spirit (does therapeutic riding, etc) would be willing to staff shows for similar compensation as UNR Equestrian team. It was suggested that some of the group members may want to come and shadow experienced volunteer staff to "learn the ropes" before the group was given staffing responsibilities.

Juniors - Added $100 to coffers from the concessions sale at the recent Avalon Friesians clinic. Troy Christensen, Danielle Ballard, Rachael Gazes volunteered at the clinic. (also Stacey Ballard Danielle's mom and Tish Hicksted adult amateur member).

Junior meeting in March will include educational component - review of new Dressage through the Levels. Juniors will discuss further fund raising activities for 2007 at the March meeting.



February to date

Current balance - $2869.89

Next Meeting: March 14th at 6:30pm. Location: TBA.


Meeting Minutes March 14, 2007

Came to order at 6:30pm

Attendance: Victoria Meyer, Joan Wright, Beth Coffey-Curle, Vicki Cliff, Cindy Hoonhout, Holly McGee, Michele and Steve Ting


Treasurers Report: We have $2,704 in the account. It was discussed that we should try to keep a minimum balance in the account at all times. It was suggested that this amount be somewhere between $3,000-3,500.

Education Report: The Shelley Edwards Clinic is scheduled for May 5th &6th. The cost was increased to $150 for each rider for the weekend to defray the cost of hosting the clinic and Shelley's expenses. Auditing will be $10 each/day. The clinic can hold up to 10 people each day.

Steve was asked to create a generic clinic sheet on the web as a release.

Juniors: The "View from C" clinic for juniors was discussed. Maria Hickey was suggested as a judge. This project is still in the works.

Cindy reported that she will offer her horse trailer as a traveling tack shop for the tack collected for the Jr Tack Sale. The tack sale will be held both days of the April show. We still need kids items and clothing.

It was suggested that we put an announcement up on the web site stating that donations are always welcome.

Show Committee: Beth, Holly and Cindy will check on the status of our ribbons and what we have in storage as well as inventory the trophies.

UNR has stated that they will do the pick up and take down of the judges stand for the April show. Joan and Victoria will work on setting the arena up.

It was asked that we again send out a request for show manager for the July show.

Dressage in the Sierra news: There will be no pony measurement available. Shari Lamb is not able to do pony measurements. We will add this disclaimer to our information that goes out in conjunction with the show.

It was discussed and decided that all other groups who wish to use the SNC web site to post entry forms, ride times and results will be charged a fee of $75 (to SNC) for that service.

Old Business: There are still volunteer and insurance issues that need to be worked out with CDS. CDS should still be providing coverage for this and represent the chapters. Beth will follow up with this issue.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm.


Meeting Minutes April 11, 2007

Came to order at 6:30pm

Attendance: Victoria Meyer, Joan Wright, Beth Coffey-Curle, Vicki Cliff, Madeline Zook, Kate (introduced as new member to SNC), Michele and Steve Ting, Mary Anne Christensen, Troy Christensen.


Treasurers Report: Cindy was unable to attend the meeting. Joan announced that the Bank of America account has $1,100 in it and the Nevada State Bank account holds $1,500. We will be closing the Nevada State Bank account.

Education Report: The Shelley Edwards Clinic is scheduled for May 5th &6th. There are already 4-5 people signed up. Auditing will be $10 each/day. Auditors may not participate in the "floor time" of the clinic but are welcome to watch. The clinic can hold up to 10 people each day.

Juniors: The juniors had a meeting with Troy C., Cierra V., Rachael G., Jacki D., Vicki Cliff and Cindy H. Fundraising ideas were discussed. The juniors would like to have a raffle at DITS possibly using donated items as raffle prizes. It was also suggested that they use saddle pads with either breed logos or SNC logos. Money raised would be used towards Junior Championships and Junior Clinics.

The tack sale has enough Junior volunteers and items though donations are still accepted anytime.

Juniors will host a "View From C" Clinic with Maria Hickey early in August. The clinic will be open to all members.

Show Committee: Proof of Insurance has been sent to Joan for the April show. Ribbons have been ordered. Beth left a message with Maggie at Clover Leaf to remind her that we'll be coming. Joan will be hosting Fran Dearing at her home for the duration of the show. Joan will also pick up trophies for the show. Friday night UNR will help Joan and Victoria set up the judges stand and Beth will coordinate take down witn the students.

We still need show managers for the July show and DITS.

It was agreed that the club would charge $300 to post ride times and results on the SNC web site for non-SNC shows. All non profit postings will be $75. Note this is a clarification of the March Minutes.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm.


Meeting Minutes May 9th, 2007

Came to order at 6:30pm

Attendance: Victoria Meyer, Beth Coffey-Curle, Michele Ting, Mary Anne Christensen.


Treasurers Report: Cindy emailed the following report to the Board after the April show.

2007 April Show

1/1/2007 through 5/15/2007

Income Categories

Our totals

Connie's Totals

Total Income Categories $6,437.00

Expense Categories

Admin fees:

$438 - $21 = $417

$417 - $250 = $167 added to club education fund (previous balance $300 - 4/2007 total $467)

Juniors: Tack Sale proceeds $98.50

Total Expense Categories $4,018.48

Grand Total: $2418.52

Final Show Figures

April Show Report: Beth announced the April show was a money maker. The July show could have a decrease in participation due to Pebble Beach being the same weekend.

A show manager is still needed for the July show. MAC announced that UNR vounteers would be working at the July show and DITS.

Beth announced that she would ask Maria Partridge if she could do the program again this year.

Accomodations have been made for the DITS officials. We will be using the Holiday Inn Express in Carson. Reservations have been made for 4 people and Connie will do the transportation to and from the show.

Juniors and Education: View from C Clinic - Unsure of status at this time.

It was suggested that we poll the membership at DITS to see what members might like to have for Educational opportunities.

Meeting Adjourned at 7pm.


Meeting Minutes June 13th, 2007

Came to order at 6:30pm

Attendance: Victoria Meyer, Beth Coffey-Curle, Michele Ting, Vicki Cliff, Cindy Hoonhout, Joan Wright, Holly McGee, Rachael Gazes.

Old Business: None at this time.

New Business:


The Junior Basket for the Northern Championships will be under the responsibility of the Junior Membership. Rachael has agreed to be in charge of this effort with the help of Vicki and Cindy. Rachael was given two Skagen watches to be included in the basket as a starter. Holly stated that she has some very nice baskets that she would like to donate for this project as well.

Junior Clinic "View from C" update: David Schmutz was asked if he would be willing to do this for the Juniors in our chapter. His cost at this time is $500/day. uniors will work on setting the clinic up and making arrangements for this project.

It was announced that we need to apply for CDS scholarship as well.

Cindy announced that the Juniors have $500 in the bank. In addition, there will be another Junior Tack Sale at the Equest II show on July 22nd and donations are needed for that.

July Show:

Louis Koch is the judge and most arrangements are taken care of. The Mair's have agreed to transport and host the judge. Cindy motioned that we give a $100 gift certificate to the Mair's to thank them as they have been a tremendous help to the chapter and this was voted on an unanimously agreed upon.

Joan will be the Sunday show manager and Jennifer Smith and Beth will share the duties on Sunday. Scribes are still needed for some slots but calls have been placed and we are just waiting to hear back.


Charlotte Jorst has agreed to be the major sponsor for the show again this year. Thank you to Charlotte!!!

A Sponsorship committee still needs to be created and we need someone to take charge of that this year. Otherwise most of the details for the show have been worked out. Vicki agreed to be the Hospitality Committee Director.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm


Meeting Minutes July 11th, 2007

Came to order at 6:30pm

Attendance: Victoria Meyer, Susan Ward, Hillary Flemming, Beth Coffey-Curle, Michele Ting, Vicki Cliff, Cindy Hoonhout, Joan Wright, Holly McGee, Mary Anne Christensen.

Old Business: None at this time.

New Business:

July Show Discussion

The July Show entries arent coming in completed. We are still missing copies of cards and numbers, non-member fees arent being paid, math is incorrect and ring fees are being missed.

It was also noted that A/A members must have USEF cards to show A/A status. These cards should be submitted for each show, even CDS only shows so that riders points can be counted as A/A.

It was discussed that we would have a drawing of "Perfect Entries" submitted for DITS as encouragement for people to fill out their entry forms completely.

Dressage in the Sierra Updates Vicki cliff volunteered to manage hospitality at DITS. Sierra Feed has offered to sponsor hospitality for the show. We still need someone to pick up and deliver the judges. The hotel arrangements have been made and lunches have been taken care of. The tent has been ordered and supplies are ready as well.

Victoria Myer volunteered to be the Sponsorship manager.

Maria Partridge will do the program for the show again this year.

Beth announced that Peter Lert will be retiring and this will be his last show. We will be holding a retirement party for him at lunch time. Michele will order a cake for the party and Carolyn G. will pick it up and deliver it to the show.

Beth sent ribbons back and placed new orders. We are set on ribbons.


The following was motioned by Beth. Dates and judges were unanimously agreed upon. Locations are still up for discussion.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm


No August Meeting ~ Only detail wrap up for DITS.


The meeting was called to order at 6:45 PM Thursday, September 13th at the Washoe Flats Restaurant in Washoe Valley, NV.

Attendance: Mary Anne Christensen, Beth Coffey-Curle, Cindy Hoonhout, Lesley Grove, Holly Mcgee

Missing: Vicki Cliff, Victoria Myer, Joan Wright, Michele Ting

Dressage in the Sierra 2007:

Donna B's photos are now on-line.

Tentative net profit is $2600.

Competition 2008:

Louise Koch is being contacted for the July show dates. MaryAnne will ask both Louise and Lilo if they are available to clinic the Monday after the show.

Holly and Cindy will meet to count the ribbon inventory in preparation for next season.

FTM has said that the facility is available for the July dates. Cloverleaf has not returned the call but Beth will continue to follow up with Maggie.

2008 Slate:

So far, Joan, Beth, Mary Anne, and Cindy have agreed to be on the 2008 slate. Holly McGee and Lesley Grove are interested in considering being put on the slate for 2008. Beth will ask Troy C and Susan Ward to be the election vote count committee again this year.

2007 Holiday & Award party:

We are wondering if Avalon Freisians is interested in hosting this event in December. Beth will begin putting the SNC award results together for this event.

2008 Adult Amatuer Regional Championship Qualifying Dates:

We agreed to represent the membership to the CDS Board to request the qualifying dates for this competition be back dated one year from the date of the show. Beth will write the letter and submit it to the CDS Board of Directors. Two CDS qualifying competitions that were scheduled for fall 2007 have been canceled limiting the number of qualifying competitions even more.

SNC Education Opportunity Reward:

The Education Opportunity committee still needs to meet to create a qualifying and distribution policy. Committee members are: Beth, Holly M, Susan W, Cindy H, and Mary Anne C. There is currently $1800 in the education fund.

Troy Christiansen requested a grant to help him financially attend the Conrad Schummaucher clinic in October. The group agreed to grant Troy $220, the equivalent of one ride.

Volunteers to get first crack at clinics policy:

This discussion needed to be tabled due to the lack of board members present.

Education Clinic:

A number of SNC members have requested a SNC hosted freestyle clinic this fall. Beth is waiting for a call back from Diane Kernodle as to her availability in November before Thanksgiving and her fee for the weekend. More infor will be available once Beth hear's back from Diane.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.


The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM, October 16, Washoe Flats Restaurant in Washoe Valley, NV.

Attendance: Mary Anne Christensen, Beth Coffey-Curle, Cindy Hoonhout, Sta Berry, Vicki Cliff, Michele Ting, Pat Hickstead, Hillary Flemming, Lisa Stapleton, Victoria Myer, and Kelly N.

CDS asked the SNC Board to sign "Code of Conduct" paperwork. CDS's letter was adopted as a resolution by vote with all members in agreement.

USET licenses are in. The August show will be named "SNC Summer". The July show will be Dressage in the Sierra. The April show is a 1 star show and Fran Dearing is scheduled as the judge. Clinic time has been requested for Lilo Fore and Louise Koch. The Omnibus is done and insurance is done. TD's are still needed.

The Holiday Party and Awards Banquets for SNC will be held at Avalon Friesians this year. The party will be December 9th from 4pm to 8pm. Beth will figure out the awards. We will use the same "alphabet banquet" that we used last year. Cindy will figure out the budget for awards. We will also be holding a silent auction again this year. MAC and Victoria will be in charge of this. Donations are needed.

2008 Slate:

Joan W., Cindy H., Mary Anne C., Beth C., Michele T., Victoria M., Vicki C.

Vicki announced that there will not be any ETC shows in 2008.

To end the meeting, people announced that they were interested in the Diane Kernodle clinic and the following people were present and interested: Beth, Tish, Hillary, Lisa, Ciarra, and Crystal (represented by Beth).

The meeting adjourned at 7:30pm